Saturday, June 6, 2015

Why did I become a Vegan?

I always get asked why is it that I became a vegan. I started of as a vegetarian, but this year 2015 I became a vegan. I'm still adjusting my lifestyle to be vegan but my diet has been vegan. I first left meat because I was going to church school and it was the time of "Lent" and their was some days you weren't supposed to eat meat, so I stopped eating meat during that whole time. I'm not religious! I only attend the school because my mother made me and I sorta changed my religion, but thats another story. So I lasted about a month without eating meat and it was pretty good. The year after that around the same time I stopped eating meat again. Everybody thought it was because of "Lent" again but it had nothing to do with that anymore. Many months had passed and I still didn't eat meat. I then came across many videos of the meat industry and the film "earthlings". I'm glad I saw all those videos because it made me feel proud that I stopped eating meat. 
Becoming a vegan was a bit harder because of the "cheese,"  but every time I would consume dairy my tummy would not be so happy with me. I was never diagnosed lactose intolerance but my body started not liking dairy. So I left that too! 
I didn't become a vegan for all the amazing benefits but I will continue to be a vegan for all the benefits,  animals, our water, world hunger, the rainforest, compassion, wildlife, health, peace, and our planet!
I'm not one to try to persuade a person to stop eating meat, but I always say If you're not willing to hunt for your meat why are you consuming it. Like my mum, she hates to see the animals being killed and she will not eat any meat that is from a different animal only the commonly known cow, pig, chicken.  If they tell her the animal was just killed a few moments before being on her plate she will not eat it. I think thats just hypocrisy. Yet she still continues to eat meat.

Try at least on vegan meal a day!(:

Some good knowledge about our food and why you should consider becoming a vegan!

P.S. sorry for the delay of posts.

Sophie X

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